A pollinator is an insect or animal that assists
plants in making fruit or seeds. They do this
by moving pollen from one plant to another
as they feed. Without insects or animals to
transfer their pollen many plants cannot
Pollinators come in all shapes and sizes.
European honeybees are one type of
pollinator, however there are many other
native bees and insects which perform this
vital service – and they need our help too!
There are over 20,000 different species of
bees worldwide! The majority of these are
solitary nesters that don’t live in hives. Like
honeybees, their numbers are on the decline
across the world.
This is a worrying prospect as approximately
30 percent of the world’s crops and up to 90
percent of our wild plants depend on them.
Pollinators need habitat corridors to survive
– this includes access to shelter, clean water,
food in the form of nectar and pollen from
This is where your new Flow Pollinator
House comes in – they’re carefully designed
to accommodate solitary-nesting native
bees by providing cavities in natural
materials which they can live in.
100% salvaged
timber Flow
Pollinator House
At Flow we try to minimise
waste wherever possible,
so these beautiful Western
Red Cedar Pollinator Houses
have been created using
salvaged Flow Hive timber
offcuts and sustainably
sourced bamboo. This
means each house is unique,
you may even find an
original Flow Hive handle or
brand on yours.
By reducing waste we
lessen our impact on the
environment, which is good
news for pollinators.
Care and
Your pollinator guests will be
grateful for their cosy new
home, and a coat or two of
weatherproof sealant on the
roof will ensure they stay
nice and dry. You can make
it even more welcoming by
making sure the pollinator
house is bathed in gentle
sunshine and is out of the
way of prevailing winds, tall
weeds and other animals.
Please visit our website
for tips and hints on your
pollinator house and caring
for pollinators in your region.