SINCE 1981
6) If the plates were diagonally marked prior to their removal, verify the plates are in the proper
order before tightening.
6) If the plates are assembled correctly the plate edges will form a honeycomb pattern and If glue
less gaskets are used the external tabs will be alligned.
8) Set the tightening bolts into position on the frame and wire brush them and apply a thin layer of
7) Begin tightening the heat exchanger by alternating between diagonally opposite bolt pairs contra
ry to the opening procedure. During the tightening process, the distance between the fixed and mo
veable cover measured at all points shall differ more than ¼” to ½”.
8) During tightening check the “T” dimension at four
points nearest the bolts being used to close heat
9) Tighten the heat exchanger until the “T” dimen-
sion is equal +/- 1% of the dimension specified on
the drawing or nameplate or a new dimension based
on the addition or removal of plates.
10) All tightening bolts must be under tension.
11) After fully tightening the heat exchanger,
the difference between the “T” dimension at any
adjacent bolt shall not exceed 1/16”. The “T” di
mension must not differ by more than 1% for all
tightening bolts.