432-0007-00-28-en-US v100
Integration with NMEA Devices – Application Note
The ShipModul uses port number 10110, which is a registered port for NMEA data. Therefore the UDP
Terminal of the Radar Server configuration is also set up to use port 10110. Open the camera server.ini
configuration file with a text editor, as in the first example. Perform a search of the file for “Sensor 1” to
locate the section related to the UDP Terminal:
[Sensor 1: TERMINAL Configuration - Device 0]
IP Address=
UDP Port=10001
UDP Local Port=10110
Local IP Address=eth0
Type=UDP Terminal
Modify the file to use the correct IP address and UDP port, save the file, and upload it to the camera with a
web browser. Stop and start the Camera Server so the new configuration settings are used.