4226044 (Rev. C) © 2020 FLIR Systems, Inc.
FLIR Fido® X4 Operations Manual
The Fido X4 reference standard is a core element of the system diagnostic functions. Its pur-
pose is to verify that system performance meets a predetermined threshold for detection of
trace explosives. The reference standard contains a trace amount of explosive material
designed to elicit a metered response across the sensor array, when processed. The retract-
able metal swipe element is designed to heat quickly, so that the reference dose is metered
and consistent across the life of the reference standard.
Each reference standard should last for approximately 200 presentations. The storage shelf
life for reference standards is guaranteed for 1 year.
For more information, see "Verifying the System" on p. 31.
The reference standard is used to verify system response when detecting explos-
ives in particulate form (Particulate mode). For information on verifying the sys-
tem in Vapor Mode, see 5.4.4 on page 40.