Simplified Installation of the FLUXUS F601 Ultrasonic Flowmeter
These few pages will guarantee your success. If you decide to install the F601 without
our free telephone support, please follow these steps closely. If you have ANY
don’t waste your valuable time;
give us a call; we can answer your questions
in seconds.
Call us Toll Free at 866-337-4356
F601 Keyboard Functions
Switch the transmitter ON
by pressing the “C” key
Make Vertical selections by pressing the “2” or “8” keys
Make Horizontal selections by pressing the “4” or “6” keys
Return to the Main Menu by pressing the “BRK” key
To Delete any entry,
press the “C” key
Switch the F601 OFF
by pressing the “BRK” key 3 times
Choose the Appropriate Installation Site
Place your F601 within transducer cable distance of your
measurement site, or use a transducer extension cable as needed.
If you are unsure about choosing the exact mounting site on your
unique pipes, please refer to a FlowRental document titled
Selecting a Transducer Installation Site
” appended to these
Connect your Transducers to the F601
The red point on the connector must align with the red marking on
the socket. Remove the connector by pulling at the knurled surface.
Please connect your transducers before beginning the programming
Follow these Steps to Program your F601
Programming your F601 will require 3 simple steps:
Install Pipe and Fluid
Program the
Enter the
mode and begin your measurements