We reserve the right of changing these instructions without special prior notification
Parallel operation of central heating and sanitary
When both modes of operation are active, central
heating and sanitary water preparation, the boiler
prefers sanitary water.
If there is a requirement for warm water, the boiler
starts with preparation of sanitary water, the lamp (8)
turns on, whereas the boiler operation signalization
turns off (3); temperature indicator (1) displays the
current temperature of warm water outlet.
Air in the boiler “LU” (1)
If in the boiler the air appears, the display will signal
air in the boiler by showing message “LU”, and the
boiler stops the operation. In this way the boiler is
protected against blowing because of appearance of
air. For continuation of operation, the boiler should be
vented. If the boiler is correctly vented, the operation
of boiler continues automatically.
Voltage drop “SP” (1)
If the voltage in the network line drops below 175V by
phase, the display will signal undervoltage protection
by showing message “SP”, the boiler automatically
switches off in order to protect electronics and
contactors inside the boiler. The boiler shall
automatically continue the operation when the
network voltage reaches values above 185V.
Overheating “OH” (1)
If temperature inside the boiler reaches 110°C, and
thermal fuse (10) switch off, boiler stops the operation
until thermal fuse is reset.
The display will signal overheating protection by
showing messag
e “OH”,
Thermal fuse - turning on
By means of thermal fuse (1) the boiler is protected
against rapid increase of temperature above 110°C.
The fuse turns off the boiler and ejects the MCB
(miniature circuit breaker).
For continuation of operation it is necessary to take off
the protection cover from the thermal fuse and press
the white key, upon which the MCB should be
switched on again.
*If the temperature of water inside the boiler exceeds
90°C, the thermal fuse can not be reset. In order to
reset the thermal fuse, it is necessary to wait for the
water temperature to drop below 90°C.
After reseting the thermal fuse, make sure
the MCB iš switched on. The control and
power circuits are separated and the boiler
control can be active if energy part is
Segment of the control panel
Segment of the control panel