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Modes & Axes settings Panel
This panel manages the parameters of the 3 motor control
boards [FMod-IPxxMOT] (IP address of each Axis) that
can be controlled through the FMod-IPAXESCTRL card.
For each axis, the user can define 3 DIFFERENT MODES
that can be configured with different settings
The ratio between the motor pulses and the value displayed with
Display ratio.
Example: value of 10 means: 1 motor pulse = 10 increment on LCD
The ratio between human interface devices (keyboard or trackball)
and motor pulses with
HID ratio.
Example: value of 10 means: 1 trackball pulses = 10 increment on motor
FMod-IPAXESCTRL User Manual v.1.1
Display ratio
LCD display
Ethernet network
Axes Control board
Motor Control board
Keypad or Trackball
HID ratio