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LCD text Panel
This panel shows the LCD parameters.
The LCD contains 4 lines of 20 characters each, and the
user can also choose the contrast of the screen. For each
board’s mode (1,2,3) the LCD display can be different.
In the “LCD text (Mode j)” panel of the JAVA applet, the
user can define the text and values displayed on the 4 lines
separately. Here is an example:
Configuration String
Output on display
“axe m1 pos state ”
axe m1 pos state
“X ###’### pls ### --”
X 123’456 pls 789 Ok
See description of “LCD MODE(i) TEXT” register (p.55) for more details
The measured value contains 8 digits (+1 more for the
sign). On the display, the character ‘#’ represents one digit
of that value. If less than 9 ‘#’ are present on a line, the
least significant digits would be skipped. Other (ASCII)
characters can be used (also between) with the # values.
The first line is reserved for text, the second shows the values of the axis1,
the third the values of the axis2 and the last line the values of axis 3.
FMod-IPAXESCTRL User Manual v.1.1