Five9 Network Systems LLC.
T3105K1 Installation Manual
Document # 000003, Rev 6, 05/06/2014
Page 6
3.3.4 CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only
with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Wiring Requirements
3.4.1 The length and routing of external cables should be carefully studied and
planned before attempting installation of the equipment. Allow adequate
space for installation of cable and connectors. Avoid sharp bends.
Physical Characteristics
3.5.1 The T3105K1 shall be located away from heat sources, magnetic fields
and areas with excessive dust.
3.5.2 When sitting on a table top, avoid uneven or unstable work surfaces
Electrical Characteristics
3.6.1 Electrical Specifications
Input Voltage
100-240 Vac
Input Current
5-2.5 Amps max
Input Frequency
60-50 Hz