FITBENCH | W1236 Industrial Drive Ixonia, WI 53036 | FITBENCH.COM
Thank you for purchasing the FITBENCH YBELL!
The FITBENCH YBELL has product features that allow for a wide variety of
workout options. We have partnered with YBell Fitness to introduce this
innovative solution.
Each YBell
Neo is a 4-on-1 fitness tool that combines a kettlebell, a
dumbbell, a double-grip med ball, and a push-up stand. This innovative
design makes them the perfect fit in our new bench. Like our other
benches, it is portable, with 360-degree movement to help position the
bench is any room.
If you have any questions about your FITBENCH YBELL, please call us at
800-294-0536 or email us at [email protected] and include the
following information:
Customer Name and Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
FITBENCH YBELL Serial Number (located near the hinge and shock)