Instruction Manual
RSS Valve
July 2017
Specifications for the RSS valve are shown in table 1. If the valve is shipped with the actuator, some of the valve
specifications are on the valve nameplate, which is attached to the actuator. If the valve is shipped without the
actuator, the valve nameplate is wired to the valve.
Always wear protective gloves, clothing, and eyewear when performing any maintenance operations to avoid personal
Personal injury or equipment damage caused by sudden release of pressure can result if the valve is installed where service
conditions could exceed the limits given on the nameplate or in table 1 or 2, or figure 3 or 4. To avoid such injury or
damage, use pressure‐limiting or pressure‐relieving devices to prevent service conditions from exceeding these limits.
Check with your process or safety engineer for any other hazards that may be present from exposure to process media.
If installing into an existing application, also refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this
instruction manual.
When ordered, the valve configuration and construction materials are selected to meet particular pressure, temperature,
pressure drop, and controlled fluid conditions. Since some valve body/trim material combinations are limited in their
pressure drop and temperature ranges, do not apply any other conditions to the valve without first contacting your
Emerson sales office
or Local Business Partner.
Before installing the valve, inspect it to be certain that the valve cavity is free of foreign material. Use extra care in handling
to avoid damage to the exposed lining on the flanges. Clean out all pipelines to remove scale, welding slag, and any other
foreign materials that could cause erosion of the valve body lining.
Use accepted piping practices when installing the valve in the pipeline. To minimize valve damage caused by expansion of
PTFE lined pipe, use a line flange gasket (figure 2). This gasket evenly distributes the piping loads across the valve flange
face and minimizes the potential for cutting or indenting the lined face on the valve flange.