1. It’s always a good idea to walk slowly and
overlap your sweeps. But if you’re searching a
large expanse of new territory, you may want to
walk a little faster and not overlap your sweeps as
much until you start making a few good finds. Then,
slow down, overlap your sweeps and cover every
inch of ground.
2. In trashy areas, to reduce the “masking” effects
of trash on nearby good targets, use a shorter and
slower sweep pattern. If you’re going to be hunting
exclusively in this type of ground, you may be better
off equipping your CZ-20 with the smaller, 5-inch
coil at time of purchase. It will zero in on good
targets closer to trash.
a) Shallow coins (at or near the surface) or coins on edge
will give a double beep: one on either side of the coin,
just like a nail. Like the nail, the coin on edge will give a
single beep directly over the target if you sweep at right
angles to your original position.
b) A coin lying in the ground at an angle (as shown) may
give a single target response but may pinpoint several
inches away from its true location. Check around the
inside edges of the hole. If you still don’t find it, enlarge
the hole by a couple of inches.
c) A large, deep target, like a buried pipe or a manhole
cover at 2 feet, will often give a good, strong coin signal.
If you’ve dug down a foot and widened your hole several
times, give up.
Targets that aren’t there.
Coin lying at an angle or on edge.
Long, ferrous object. Large, deep object.