Autotune Search Mode
Press the AUTO/I.D. pad to place the LCD marker over AUTO.
Now you're in a very sensitive, widescan, all-metal, motion
search mode. Since this mode responds to all metal targets
and does not have the ability to identify or reject targets, this
will probably not be your normal search mode. The AUTOTUNE
mode has some advantages, however, that make it useful to
use in at least two situations:
Non-Trashy Areas: Because the Autotune
mode has a wider scan than the I.D. mode, you
are less likely to miss a good target when
searching in the Autotune mode. To realize the
benefits of the Autotune mode, search in the
Autotune mode until you find a target. Pinpoint
the target using the SEARCH/PINPOINT pad and
then push the AUTO/I.D. touch to switch to I.D.
mode and identify the target.
Highly Mineralized Sand and Soil: The Autotune
mode is recommended for black- or gray-sand
beaches or highly mineralized soil. Under these
conditions it may be necessary to lower the
Sensitivity level by pressing the SENS pad and the
left Arrow touch pad. Now sweep the search
coil several inches off the ground. Gold nuggets
Your CZ-70 Pro has two search modes: Target I.D. and
Autotune. Both search modes are "motion" modes, meaning
the search coil must be moving to detect a target.
LCD when
Autotune mode
is selected and
Target I.D. is