b) Large environmental metal objects, such as the metal reinforcing bars in floors,
will not be detected beyond a range of several inches.
Upon release of the "Momentary Low" switch, the detector will return to Normal Operation.
4. Silent Operation
Position the Silent/Audio switch in the "Silent/Vibrate" position and:
a) The detector will NOT emit the High-Pitch tone upon the detection of metal objects.
b) The vibrator will activate upon the detection of a metal object, and the "Target"
LED indicator will illuminate.
5. Operating Frequency Selection
Chose from two alternate operating frequencies in the event of electromagnetic
interference from other electronic devices.
6. Low Battery Indication
When battery needs to be replaced, Low Battery LED will illuminate.
7. Visual Target Response
Red LED flashes when a metal object is located
8. Comfort Hand Grip
Power Switch with Momentary Low
The Power switch has 2 "ON" positions and a forward "OFF" position.
The detector is OFF with the switch in the "UP" position
The detector is ON with the switch in the "MIDDLE" position
The detector is in MOMENTARY LOW operation with the switch
held in the "DOWN" position.
While holding down the "Momentary Low" switch, the detection range will be reduced.
a) Very small metal objects, such as the metal rivets sewn into clothing, will not be
detected beyond a range of one inch from the object.
b) Large environmental metal objects, such as the metal reinforcing bars in floors,
will not be detected beyond a range of several inches.
Upon release of the "Momentary Low" switch, the detector will return to Normal Operation
LED Indicators
• The GREEN light indicates that the detector is ON
• The YELLOW light indicates LOW BATTERY
• The RED light indicates the detection of a metal object