• Overhead clearances - In no case shall the clearance between the highest part of the cooktop and a range hood
be less than 600 mm. Any other downward-facing combustible surface less than 600 mm above the highest part
of the cooktop shall be protected for the full width and depth of the cooking surface area in accordance with local
regulations in force. However, in no case shall this clearance to any surface be less than 450 mm.
• Side clearances - Where the distance from the periphery of the nearest hotplate to any vertical combustible
surface is less than 50 mm (CE302 models) or 100 mm (CE604 models), the surface shall be protected in
accordance with with local regulations in force to a height of not less than 150 mm above the cooktop for the full
dimension (width or depth) of the cooking surface area.
One side of the cooktop must always be kept clear.
• Protection of combustible surfaces - The required protection shall ensure that the surface temperature of
combustible surfaces does not exceed 50 °C above ambient.
• To comply with this requirement satisfactorily, fix 5mm-thick ceramic tiles to the surface or attach fire-resistant
material to the surface and cover with sheet metal (minimum thickness 0.4 mm).
The underside surface of the cooktop can reach a temperature exceeding 95 °C during
normal use.
Updated: Sat, 09 Mar 2019 07:23:30 GMT
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