Tertiary Source:
Motor Control Module.
If the machine is empty of water at fault, it is possible that the pump circuit is faulty and has
caused a pump out during wash. This would cause the bowl to re-engage during agitate and the
Motor Control Module to display this fault. Replace Motor Control Module.
220. EEPROM Model Map Not Programmed
On power up, the Motor Control Module has detected a fault in its memory.
Primary Source:
Motor Control Module.
Change Motor Control Module.
221. Motor Control Module Fault
The motor control has encountered a RAM check error
Primary Source:
Motor Control Module.
Change Motor Control Module.
232. COMMS Timeout 5 Sec
Either the Display or Motor Control Module has not responded in time.
Primary Source:
Display Module fault.
Replace Display Module.
Secondary Source:
Motor Control Module fault.
Replace Motor Control Module.
233. EEPROM Read Error
Problem in reading the EEPROM data, coming from the Motor Control Module
Primary Source:
Motor Control Module fault.
Replace Motor Control Module.
234. Lid Lock Open Circuit
Check harness to Lid Lock, the connections at the Motor Control Module and lid lock ends.
Primary Source:
Connectors on the harness at either end could be at fault.
Replace Harness.
Secondary Source:
Lid lock has failed to be activated.
Replace Lid Lock Assembly.
Tertiary Source:
Motor Control Module has not responded to the lid lock being activated.
Check the lid has a tang and is fitted correctly to activate the lid lock. If this is all in order, the
Motor Controller must be faulty and needs replacing.