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CO is an invisible, odorless, tasteless gas produced when fossil fuels do not
burn completely, or are exposed to heat (usually fire). Electrical appliances
typically do not produce CO.

These fuels include:

Wood, coal, charcoal, oil, natural gas, gasoline,

kerosene, and propane. 

Common appliances are often sources of CO. If they are not properly main-
tained, are improperly ventilated, or malfunction, CO levels can rise quickly.
CO is a real danger now that homes are more energy efficient. “Air-tight”
homes with added insulation, sealed windows, and other weatherproofing can
“trap” CO inside.


These symptoms are related to CO POISONING and should be discussed
with ALL household members.

Mild Exposure: 

Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (“flu-like” symptoms).

Medium Exposure:

Throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.

Extreme Exposure:

Convulsions, unconsciousness, heart and lung failure. Exposure to carbon
monoxide can cause brain damage, death.

Some individuals are more sensitive to CO than others, including people
with cardiac or respiratory problems, infants, unborn babies, pregnant
mothers, or elderly people can be more quickly and severely affected by
CO. Members of sensitive populations should consult their doctors for
advice on taking additional precautions.


Carbon monoxide is an odorless, invisible gas, which often makes it difficult
to locate the source of CO after an alarm. These are a few of the factors that
can make it difficult to locate sources of CO:

House well ventilated before the investigator arrives.

Problem caused by “backdrafting.”

Transient CO problem caused by special circumstances.

Because CO may dissipate by the time an investigator arrives, it may be 
difficult to locate the source of CO. 

First Alert


/BRK Brands Europe Ltd.

shall not be obligated to pay for any carbon monoxide investigation or
service call.



Test the CO Alarm once a week. If the CO Alarm ever fails to test 
correctly, have it replaced immediately! If the CO Alarm is not work-
ing properly, it cannot alert you to a problem.

DO NOT stand close to the Alarm when the horn is sounding.
Exposure at close range may be harmful to your hearing. When 
testing, step away when horn starts sounding.

Push and hold the Test/Silence button on the cover until you hear a “chirp.”
The “chirp”marks the start of the self-test sequence.

First, the BATTERY (green) and SERVICE (yellow) lights will flash briefly—
this is normal.

Next, the alarm horn will sound: 4 beeps, a pause, then 4 beeps. The
ALARM (red) light will flash quickly.

The alarm sequence should last 5-6 seconds. If it does not alarm, make sure
a fresh battery is correctly installed, and test it again. If the unit still does not
alarm, replace it immediately. 

If the alarm does not test properly:

1. Make sure a fresh battery is installed correctly.

2. Be sure the Alarm is clean and dust-free.

3. Install a fresh 9V alkaline or lithium battery* and test the alarm again.

DO NOT try fixing the Alarm yourself – this will void your guarantee!
If the CO Alarm is still not operating properly, and it is still under 
guarantee, please see "How to Obtain Guarantee Service" in the Limited
Guarantee. Install a new CO Alarm immediately.

The Test/Silence button is the only proper way to test the CO Alarm.
NEVER use vehicle exhaust! Exhaust may cause permanent damage and
voids your guarantee.

*For a list of acceptable replacement batteries, see “Regular Maintenance.”


To keep the CO Alarm in good working order:

Test it every week using the Test/Silence button.

Vacuum the CO Alarm cover once a month, using the soft brush attach-
ment. Never use water, cleaners, or solvents, since these may damage the
unit. Test the CO Alarm again after vacuuming.

Replace the battery when the CO Alarm “chirps” twice a minute (the low
battery warning).

The low battery warning should last for 30 days, but you should replace the
battery immediately to continue your protection.

Choosing a replacement battery:

This CO Alarm requires one standard 9V alkaline battery. The following alka-
line batteries are acceptable as replacements: Duracell #MN1604 or MX1604;
Eveready “Energizer” 522. You can also use an Ultralife 9 volt lithium battery
#U9VL for longer service life between battery changes. 

These batteries are

available at many local retail stores.

Use only the alkaline or lithium replacement batteries listed. The unit may not
operate properly with other batteries. Never use rechargeable batteries since
they may not provide a constant charge.

•  When using a lithium battery there is a danger of explosion if the

battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace a lithium battery only with
the same or equivalent type.

•  DO NOT spray cleaning chemicals or insect sprays directly on or

near the CO Alarm. DO NOT paint over the CO Alarm. Doing so
may cause permanent damage.

Household cleaners, aerosol chemicals, and other contaminants can affect the
sensor. When using any of these materials near the CO Alarm, make sure the
room is well ventilated.
