Page 15
Generator Location
Make sure you review each warning in order to
prevent fire hazard.
Keep area clear of inflammables or other
hazardous materials.
Select a site that is dry, well ventilated and
protected from the weather.
Keep exhaust pipe clear of foreign objects.
Keep generator away from open flame.
Keep generator on a stable and level surface.
Surge Protection
Voltage fluctuation may impair the proper
functioning of sensitive electronic equipment.
Electronic devices, including computers and
many programmable appliances use components
that are designed to operate within a narrow
voltage range and may be affected by momentary
voltage fluctuations. While there is no way to
prevent voltage fluctuations, you can take steps
to protect sensitive electronic equipment.
I n s tal l UL1 4 4 9, C S A-l i s ted, pl ug-i n s urge
s u p p r e s s o r s o n t h e o u t l e t s f e e d i n g y o u r
sensitive equipment. Surge suppressors come
i n s i n g l e - o r m u l t i - o u t l e t s t y l e s . T h e y ’ r e
d e s i g n e d t o p r o t e c t a g a i n s t v i r t u a l l y
all short-duration voltage fluctuations.
Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide, a poisonous gas that
could kill you in minutes. You
smell it, see it, or taste
it. Even if you do not smell exhaust
fumes, you could still be exposed
to carbon monoxide gas.
Operate this product
outside far away
from windows, doors and vents to reduce
the risk of carbon monoxide gas from
accumulating and potentially being drawn
towards occupied spaces.
Install battery-operated carbon monoxide
alarms or plug-in carbon monoxide alarms
with battery back-up according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. Smoke alarms
cannot detect carbon monoxide gas.
Avoid other generator hazards.
run this product inside homes,
garages, basements, crawlspaces, sheds, or
other partially-enclosed spaces even if using
fans or opening doors and windows for
ventilation. Carbon monoxide can quickly
build up in these spaces and can linger for
hours, even after this product has shut off.
place this product downwind and
p o i n t t h e e n g i n e e x h a u s t a w a y f r o m
occupied spaces. If you start to feel sick,
dizzy, or weak while using this product, shut
it off and get to fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See a
doctor. You may have carbon monoxide
Do not block generator air vents with paper or
other material.
Tilting can cause fuel spillage.