Before installing the NXM2G
1. Ensure that all boiler equipment is suitable for an NXM2G installation.
2. Ensure that all boiler equipment is fully functional.
Installing the NXM2G
Mount the NXM2G wiring base on the boiler casing or on a suitable adjacent surface.
The location should be
free from excessive vibration
within the specified ambient temperature rating (i.e away from hot surfaces).
The NXM2G base can be mounted in any angular position
When choosing a place to locate the NXM2G, ensure that
1. The position of the NXM2G does not obstruct the boiler access panels used for maintenance
2. The NXM2G LEDs can be viewed without restriction.
Electrical supply to the boiler and burner must be isolated during the
installation process.
Ensure that the mounting area for the NXM2G is free from hidden
other obstructions.
cables and
All wiring should comply with applicable electrical codes, regulations
Use moisture / heat resistant color coded multi core cable.
The NXM2G must be correctly grounded (earthed) to provide a minimal
AC quality problems.
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