The Firetide HotPoint 1000S Wireless Mesh Router enables you to build
Wireless Instant Networks
, eliminating the need to lay hundreds or
potentially thousands of feet of Ethernet cable. Now you can instantly
add Ethernet ports wherever you want, especially in areas where
cabling is too costly or time consuming to install.
Multiple HotPoint units automatically fi nd each other via wireless links
allowing you to create and extend a high performance wireless mesh
network. The network is very adaptable, allowing you to change the
network confi guration in real-time.
The HotPoint 1000S acts as a portable Ethernet switch that you can
place anywhere you want simply by plugging the unit into a standard
power outlet. Each HotPoint Wireless Mesh router has three RJ-45
Ethernet ports, allowing you to attach up to three Ethernet devices,
such as a wireless access point, computer, printer server, Internet
uplink, or network video camera.
Firetide Wireless Instant Network
Firetide developed the Wireless Instant Network, based on the
HotPoint Wireless Mesh Router, to enable faster, easier, and more af-
fordable network deployment. Firetide’s patented mesh networking
technology makes it possible to survey, plan and deploy an entire net-
work in less than one day rather than weeks.
The Firetide network is also completely portable. Your entire network
can be relocated simply by taking your HotPoint routers with you to
your new location.