Also check the outer edge of mantel where it fits against the
wall to see that there are no excessively large gaps. Small gaps
will be filled later with caulk. Any large gaps (more than 3/16”)
may require that you trim the mantel return to conform to the
irregularities in the wall, or that you consider straightening the
wall before you install the mantel.
The method used for fastening your mantel to the wall may vary
depending on your situation. Mantels can be nailed, glued,
screwed (preferably with finish-head screws), attached with
brackets of various types.
The most common method is to nail through the top of the
mantel into studs in the wall. That method will be explained
Install optional hearth base. Position and center the base in the
front of the fireplace. Secure the base using construction adhe-
sive or finishing nails. If using finishing nails, use a stud finder or
other method, locate at least two studs in the wall above the base.
Push the base tightly against the wall, drill 3/32” pilot holes at a
45 degree angle down through the top, as shown in above.
Using 16d finish nails, nail the base to the wall. Use a nail set
to set the nail head below surface of the top, and fill the result-
ing hole with an appropriate filler.
Using a stud finder or other method, locate at least two studs in
the wall above the fireplace. Holding the mantel tightly against
the wall, drill
3/32” pilot holes at a 45 degree angle down through the top of
the shelf, as shown in above.
Using 16d finish nails, nail the mantel to the wall. Use a nail set
to set the nail head below surface of mantel, and fill the result-
ing hole with an appropriate filler.
If the mantel requires nailing at the legs, repeat the drilling and
nailing process at a location where there is a stud or other
backing in the wall.
[Alternate method if you choose not to use nails in your new
mantel: Carefully mark the correct position of the mantel on
the wall. Remove mantel from the wall and run a bead of
silicone along the rear edge of return and top where it contacts
the wall, all the way around. Press mantel firmly against the
wall being careful to locate it properly with the marks you made.
Hold the mantel against the wall with diagonal braces or other
means until the silicone is set.]
Install non-combustible facing material such marble, granite, tile
using High Temp. adhesive.
Have someone hold the mantel tightly against the wall while you
view it from all sides to make sure everything is fitting properly
and that visible portions of marble legs are equal. The inner
edge of the mantel should lap the outer edge of the surround
material around the firebox. Remember that the scribe will
close the gap between mantel and stone and cover another
1/2” of the stone once it is installed.