As mentioned previously, your Playpak
also comes with a handy online therapy
guide, featuring advice and animated,
easy-to-use instructions. These show you
how to use each clever little piece to create
different sitting and lying positions, as well
as how to perform all the recommended
developmental games with your child.
You can take a look at an overview within this
section, or watch online at www.fireflyfriends.
You may find your child likes some positions
more than others, or that some positions may
not be medically recommended for your child
to use, and for this reason, it’s important that,
if in any doubt, you take advice from your
therapist(s) about the best positions to place
your child in.
This may depend on whether your child’s
muscles are tight (high tone) or floppy (low
tone), their level of development or tolerance for
certain positions. Some positions may need to
be avoided for medical reasons, and others will
need to be encouraged, even if your child is not
keen at the start!
It is also important to remember that if
your child is showing signs of fatigue,
it is time to stop your session and take
a rest.
Before you start to use Playpak, ensure
components are secure and check all
Velcro for any sign of damage, wear
or tear. If there are signs of damage,
do not use the product and phone
customer services for advice.
Start with back lying, then tummy
lying, then floor sitting to follow the
developmental sequence.
Section 9.3
How to use your Playpak –
the Playpak Therapy Guide
The most fundamental and secure position
from which to work on the physical, cognitive,
sensory, and communication skills that
provide the building blocks to more
complex skills.
Physical goals
Children will benefit from strengthened neck,
tummy, shoulder and hip flexor muscles
because they have to lift their heads, arms
and legs up against gravity.
Cognitive goals
When children bring their hands and feet
together to explore, they learn about their
own body parts and their relationship to each
other. This forms the basis of body awareness
and co-ordination.
Sensory goals
When lying on their backs it is easiest for
children to focus their eyes on a dangling
object. First they learn to follow it through
quarter of a circle using just their eye
movements, then through half a circle
moving their head as well as eyes. As they
become aware of their own hands and feet
and take them to their mouths, their hand-
eye coordination and fine motor skills are
Back Lying
Communication goals
In this position it is easiest for children to
become more aware of the people and
objects around them. They’ll develop
skills in paying attention, concentrating
and turn-taking – all early stages of
communication, language and speech.