Make a note of the MAC address prior to permanent installation as you will need
this when activating the Gateway for the first time.
3. Connect Power
cable here
To remove the Gateway from a wall:
Insert a small screwdriver into the
hole on the side and use it to slide the Gateway up. The Gateway will lift off the
screws that attach it to the wall.
4. Connect Ethernet
cable here
1. The Gateway is designed to lie flat or be secured to a wall.
2. If required, use the supplied plastic anchors and screws to fit
the Gateway to the wall.
Mounting on a wall:
Please ensure that
you use the screws
provided, as they
were chosen
specifically for use
with this product.
Use the template
provided (opposite) for
guidance on marking
hole positions. Drill holes
into the wall. Insert the
plastic wall plugs. Screw
in the screws. Ensure
screws are protruding
from the wall by 3mm to
allow the Gateway to slot
onto screws.