Document # 50079 Rev. D 05/23/97
4.3 Controlling Four Outputs from One NAC Input
This application expands notification appliance power by an additional 6.0 amps. Use
up to four Class B (Style Y) outputs or two Class A (Style Z) and two Class B (Style Y)
outputs. In this example, the FACP Notification Appliance Circuit will activate the
remote power supply when reverse polarity activation occurs. Trouble conditions on the
power supply are sensed by the FACP through the Notification Appliance Circuit #1.
Since Control Input #1 can monitor the NAC and power supply for troubles only in the
nonactive state, it is advisable to control silenceable notification appliances with this
circuit and nonsilenceable or nonresettable power with Control Input #2.
Optional Style
Z Return
Optional Style
Z Return
Fire Alarm
Control Panel
Circuit #1
Continuation of Notification Appliance
Circuit #1 from FACP
1) Connect the Notification Appliance Circuit originating from the FACP to TB3 terminals 1 and
2 on the FCPS.
2) Jumper TB3 Terminal 3 to Terminal 6 and Terminal 4 to Terminal 7. This allows a single
Control Input to control the four FCPS outputs. Install the ELR across terminals 6 and 7 to
supervise the Notification Appliance Circuit originating from the FACP as well as the
jumpers. Refer to the respective FACP installation manual for corresponding ELR value.
3) If additional notification appliances are installed, remove the ELR from FCPS TB3 terminals
6 and 7, connect the devices to FCPS terminals 6 and 7 and install the ELR after the last
4) Do not loop wires under screw terminals. Break wires to maintain proper supervision.
5) For a list of compatible devices, refer to Fire-Lite Device Compatibility Document.
* Use listed ELR (P/N R-2.2K) to terminate Style Y NAC. ELRs are
not required when Style Z return is wired.
Note: All Notification Appliance Circuits are supervised.
This circuit may be power-limited or nonpower-limited
Control Input #1
Control Input #2
Note 2
Note 1
Note 3
Figure 4-3: One NAC Input Controlling Four Outputs
Refer to Section 1.1 for current ratings.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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