Hazardous Area Smoke Detector
Installation Guide
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** See specification on page 13 for technical details 23989.00.C (25.08.05)
To achieve maximum EMI rejection, use screened cables for the system wiring, properly terminated at
metal glands (Do not use screen pigtails). MICC cable is recommended.
Use the correct EExd approved cable gland types for all system parts in the hazardous area.
Cables must be suitable for a minimum temperature of 101°C.
The Transmitter and Receiver heads must be positioned on
stable, solid
facing surfaces
, such as
parallel walls, approx 0.3m to 0.6m below the area ceiling (See application notes near the end of this
guide). The surfaces must be parallel, vertically and horizontally within approx 20 degrees, although a
greater positioning range is possible (up to 40 degrees off line-of-sight) if the Receiver is also fitted it
with an Adjustable Mounting Bracket. This is available as an optional extra. If only small adjustments
are required, the Receiver line-of-sight may be adjusted by fitting spacer washers to it’s wall fixing
screws, between the Receiver Case and the mounting surface. (Some applications may require
fabrication of angled mounting brackets etc, in order to cope with awkward wall positions etc. These
are not supplied).
Install all required cabling to the defined positions for each system part. (See wiring diagram on
following page, for a typical installation). Ensure compliance with all regulatory and local
requirements for Hazardous Areas and Fire Alarm Systems. Approved screened cables and approved
EExd glands and termination methods must be used. Glands at the Controller, Rx and Tx must be
metal EExd types. The Cable screens or jackets must be terminated properly at the glands, with a 360
termination. Screen Pigtails must not be used.
Mount the Receiver first, such that it faces, and has un-obstructed line of sight with the expected final
Transmitter position. Remove the Receiver housing top (using 5mm Allen key provided). Connect the
system cabling to the 3 way terminal block on the internal pcb. It is recommended that the External
Earth point be used on the Tx and Rx housings, to minimise wiring lengths. This must be taken to the
nearest suitable building Earth point. Alternatively, the housing’s Internal Earth stud may be
connected, via an additional cable core and connected back at the Control Unit Earth. (see wiring
diagram on the following page for connections and earthing regimes). Check the connections and
tighten the cable glands, then refit the housing top, taking care to position the ‘O’ ring seal correctly,
just below the flange. Tighten the 4 securing screws firmly.
For safety reasons, and to give the best
EMI rejection, do not omit any of the Earth connections.
Fit the Transmitter head in a position which aligns as closely as possible with the Receiver line of
sight, making use of the adjustment bracket provided. A 12mm AF spanner/wrench is required for the
adjustment bolts. Remove the Transmitter housing top (using 5mm Allen key provided) and set the
Range Switch to the correct or next higher setting, to match the expected operating range. Use a biro
tip to set the switches. The switches are ‘ON’ when moved outward, and ‘OFF’ when moved inward,
toward the housing centre. Note that only one setting must be selected ‘ON’. Connect the system
cabling to the 3 way terminal block on the internal pcb and Earth the unit housing in the same manner
as used for the Rx (see wiring diagram on the following page for connections and earthing regimes).
Check the connections and tighten the cable glands, then refit the housing top, taking care to position
the ‘O’ ring seal correctly, just below the flange. Tighten the 4 securing screws firmly.
For safety
reasons, and to give the best EMI rejection, do not omit any of the Earth connections.
Install and wire the Controller unit in it’s defined position,
the hazardous area. Set the unit’s
Alarm threshold to 25%, 35% or 50%.
Only close one switch position, for the desired threshold
. Set
the ‘ALARM LATCH’ switch as required. Switch Closed = latching Fire Alarm operation. For UK