Phase Rotation Test (L1L2, L1L3)
Connect 3-phase power lines in the correct order to the terminals of
a motor to ensure the motor turns in the intended direction. Incorrect
wiring can damage some equipment. The terminals on the motor are
usually marked L1, L2, and L3; however, the wires supplying power
usually are not. Perform a simple phase rotation test with two test leads
to quickly identify the order of 3-phase power lines.
80±5 VAC to 600VAC (50Hz to 80Hz)
±(1.5% rdg + 10 dgts)
Overload Protection:
600VDC or AC rms
How to Perform a Phase Rotation Test
Set Up
Switch to
. Plug black test lead
into the COM (L1) port and red test lead
to the VΩ (L2 L3) port on the SC460.
You will see “L1L2” blinking
to indicate phase rotation test
is ready to begin.
Step 1
Connect both black and red
test leads to any two of the three
phase voltage lines in question.
The line voltage will hold on the
bottom display. Blinking L1 and
L2 disappear. L3 will blink on top
display to indicate test is ready for
Step 2.
Important: Step 2 must
be performed within
5 seconds of complet-
ing Step 1 or “Err” will
show and Step 1 must
be repeated.
Step 2
With the black lead still on
“L1”, move the red test lead to the
third 3-phase voltage line. The line
voltage will hold on the bottom
display. The top display will show
L123 indicating forward or L321
indicating reversed.
Simply swap any two lines to
change the direction. You can verify
this by performing the test again.