Hydro Logger H40
User manual
electronics for ecology
This parameter can be set from 1 minute to 1440 minutes (1 day) and determines the
frequency with which the instrument will wake up and measure the set measurement
channels. Typical current consumption of a switched on station without a GSM modem
on with one 4 - 20 mA sensor is around 30 mA. Between measurements, the microprocessor
and with it the whole station is put into a very low power consumption mode (20 uA).
Individual measurement channels can have their own "
Archiving Interval"
set differently,
which must be a multiple of this basic recording interval. The average of as many meas-
urements as the basic archiving interval fits within the archiving interval of the recording
channel is then stored in memory.
The H40 automatically determines the time of the first recording so that, regardless of
the set archiving interval, the recording occurs at the full hour. For example, if the "Ar-
chiving Interval" is set to 10 minutes and the station starts measuring at the 13th minute
of the current hour, the first memory entry will take place at the 30th minute and regularly
every 10 minutes thereafter. Thus, the station will not store data at the 23rd, 33rd, 43rd,
etc. minute.
The name of this option implies its meaning. Checking it allows to store extraordinary
and unexpected conditions in the event memory, which can be, for example, disconnec-
tion of the measuring sensor, error signal of the intelligent probe, etc.
Checking this option allows you to store information about sent SMS messages in the
data memory. In addition to the sending time, the text of the sent message and the re-
cipient's phone number are also recorded.
The event memory is automatically loaded along with the reading of the data
memory and its contents are stored in a file with the *.dte extension. The file name under
the asterisk is the same as the measured data file name. When using the server for data
acquisition, the event table is displayed last in the "GRAPH" section.
Similar to the previous choice. The checkbox enables storing the exact time of SMS
messages receipt into the event memory, including their text and the sender's identifica-
tion (his/her phone number).
Power and diagnostics
The H40 is powered by a 3.6V lithium battery. This voltage would be insufficient to power
most of the probes and sensors in use, so the instrument includes a step-up DC/DC
converter that produces a voltage of the desired magnitude from 6 V to 15 V at its output.
The "
Power Unap
" parameter allows you to set the optimal supply voltage according to
the type of connected sensor. Setting the supply voltage too high leads to a shortened
lifetime of the power supply battery. The optimum supply voltage size is 1 - 2 V higher
than the minimum permissible supply voltage of the measuring sensor used (see table
on page ).
If several sensors with different minimum Unap voltage requirements are connected to
the station, it is necessary to set the voltage according to the highest required value.
Some sensors provide a valid measured value only after a certain period of time after
the supply voltage is switched on. Examples include some ultrasonic or radar level sen-
sors connected via a two-wire 4 - 20 mA signal. The typical rise time of these sensors
ranges from 20 to 50 s, and although their use in conjunction with the H40 station is not
optimal, they are often connected to these stations (river level monitoring).
The parameter value is adjustable from 0 to 125 s with a resolution of 0.5 s.
This parameter must remain unchecked for the station. The Hydro Logger H40 cannot
be powered from an external power supply.
Communication speeds and protocols
Serial interface for connecting the H40 station to a PC with the MOST program
The RS232 connection uses the FINET transfer protocol of the MOST program. The
baud rate must be set to 19200 Bd.
B a s i c a r c h i v i n g
i n t e r v a l
F a u l t a n d
e m e r g e n c y
c o n d i t i o n s
S e n t m e s s a g e s
M e s s a g e s r e c e i v e d
P o w e r s u p p l y U n a p
M e a s u r e m e n t d e l a y
a f t e r s w i t c h i n g o n
U n a p
E x t e r n a l P o w e r
Te s t i n g
R S - 2 3 2