Sample 2
TIME 15:21:16
DATE 14.04.2009
NO. 2
(Second transaction added to memory)
NET 200.0kg
TARE 0.0kg
GROSS 200.0kg
TOTAL 700.0kg (Total accumulated net weight)
Sample 3
TIME 15:21:25
DATE 14.04.2009
NO. 3
(Third transaction added to memory)
NET 500.0kg
TARE 200.0kg
GROSS 700.0kg
TOTAL 1200.0kg (Total accumulated net weight) Piece count function
5 lines will be transmitted as below: -
1. Time of print,
2. Date of printing,
3. Net weight,
4. Unit weight (average piece weight),
5. Count (quantity in terms of number of pieces).
Sample 1
TIME 15:30:44
DATE 14.04.2009
NET 300.0kg
UNIT.W 599.949 g