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BIOS Setup
Delay Prior to Thermal
It allows user to select the Delay Prior to Thermal.
The options are: 4 Min, 8 Min, 16 Min, 32 Min.
Memory Hole At 15M-16M
When set at Enabled, the memory hole at 15MB address will be relocated to
the 15M-16MB address range of the ISA or PCI cycle when the CPU ac-
cesses the 15M-16MB address area. When set at Disabled, the memory
hole at 15MB address will be treated as a DRAM cycle when the CPU
accesses the 15M-16MB address area. The options are: Disabled, Enabled.
AGP Graphics Aperature Size (MB)
It allows user to select the main memory frame size of AGP use.
The options are: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256.
Init Display First
When you install an AGP VGA card and a PCI VGA card on the board, this
feature allows you to select the first initiation of the monitor display from
which card. The options are: PCI Slot, AGP.
System BIOS Cacheable
Setting at Enabled will allow the caching of the BIOS ROM F0000H-FFFFFH,
resulting in better system performance. It may cause system error when
some programd try to access the memory area.
The options are: Disabled, Enabled.
Video BIOS Cacheable
Setting at Enabled will allow the caching of the video BIOS ROM at C0000H-
C7FFFH, resulting in better video performance. It may cause system error
when some programd try to access the memory area.
The options are: Disabled, Enabled.
DRAM Data Integrity mode
This item allows users to select the mode that depends on the type of
installed DRAM. The options are: Non-ECC, ECC.