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FR33 Mainboard Manual
Resume Time (hh:mm:ss)
If an ATX power supply is installed and when RTC Alarm Resume is En-
abled, this feature allows you to set the time of the alarm starts when the
RTC Alarm Resume From Soft Off is set to be Enabled.
The options are: 7: 0: 0. hh (
) - 0, 1, 2,.., 23; mm (
) - 0, 1, 2,..,59;
ss (
) - 0, 1, 2,..,59.
Primary INTR
If set at ON, the Primary interrupt (the Primary option in the feature of IRQ#
Acitivity) will make the power management wake up the system.
The options are: ON, OFF.
RTC Alarm Resume
allows you to set the time the system will be turned on from the
system power-off status. The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
Date (of Month)
This feature allows you to set the day of the alarm starts when the RTC
Alarm Resume From Soft Off is set to be Enabled. The options are: 0, 1..31.
PowerOn by PCI Card
When set at Enabled, any PCI-PM event awakes the system from a PCI-
PM controlled state.
The options are Disabled, Enabled.
Modem Ring Resume
An input signal on the serial Ring Indicator (RI) line (in other words, an
incoming call on the modem) awakens the system from a soft off state.
The options are: Enabled, Disabled.
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