Instructions manual Nitrogen Compact Booster
The Nitrogen Compact Booster product is a machine in terms of 2006/42/EC, section 1a and 2a.
Intended use
This machine is intended to compress the nitrogen flowing into a nitrogen bottle in order to fill
gas springs. The machine may only be used to compress nitrogen. The machine may only be
used to fill gas springs.
The intended use also includes
reading of these instructions and.
the adherence of safety information.
the adherence of all applicable documents.
adherence to the maintenance regulation.
The machine may only be used as intended. Only processes and handling may be used as de-
scribed in these instructions.
Incorrect application
Any use which goes beyond the intended use of the machine and therefore classed as misuse
and not allowed.
The machine may not be stressed beyond its limits.
The machine is not suitable for
the compression of other gases.
filling of other components.
the operation with impermissible changes or alterations (see chapter 6.4 "Operating the ma-
chine" on page 22).
For all damage to persons or property which has been caused by improper use, the liability lies
with the operator of the machine described in this document.