Installation Directions
1. The Lighted Bubbler Deluxe is designed to be installed prior to the pool shell being
installed in the ground.
2. Two conduits should be run to the bubbler:
A. 1 ½ ” PVC pipe for water supply and
B. ¾” conduit for fiber
3. The pipe supplying the water to the bubbler should have a gate valve or ball valve
installed to adjust the water supply flow.
The conduit for the fiber optic cable should run to the Fiberstars illuminator and
installed per directions included with the Fiberstars illuminator.
5. The Extended LNS-2A should be installed through the fiberglass pool shell and
secured using the enclosed nut and gaskets.
Glue into the bottom slip fitting on the LNS-2A the enclosed 1 ½” x 1” PVC reducer
Apply glue on the ¾” internal socket fitting of the PVC adapter AND the 1” pipe of
the bubbler.
Slide the 1” PVC pipe into the 1” internal socket until the pipe is extended
approximately 4” past the top or internal poolside of the LNS-2A.
9. Slide the enclosed clear lens assembly over the 1” pipe and screw it tight into the LNS-
2A. This will not create a water tight seal, it is for appearance purposes.
10. Trim 1” pipe flush with the LNS-2A assembly.