P a g e 10
Users could follow same model to add the rest of numbers and assign each one the required level.
The table below gives more description of the configuration parameters when creating emergency numbers.
Table 1: Emergency Numbers Parameters
Configure the name of the emergency call.
For example, "emergency911","emergency211" and etc.
Emergency Number
Config the emergency service number. For example,"911","211" and etc.
Emergency Level
Select the emergency level of the number. The available levels are:
1-Not Urgent
2-Moderately Urgent
3-Significantly Urgent
Disable Hunt on Busy
If this option is not enabled, when the lines of trunks which the coming
emergency call routes by are completely occupied, the line-grabbing
function will automatically cut off a line from all busy lines so that the
coming emergency call can seize it for dialing out.
This option is not enabled by default.
Custom Prompt
This option sets a custom prompt to be used as an announcement to the
person receiving an emergency call. The file can be uploaded from the
page "Custom Prompt". Click "Prompt" to add additional record.
Use Trunks
Select the trunks for the emergency call. Select one trunk at least and
select five trunks at most.
Members Notified
Select the members who will be notified when an emergency call occurs.
Specify the number of digits that will be stripped from the beginning of the
dialed number before the call is placed via the selected trunk.
Specify the digits to be prepended before the call is placed via the trunk.
Those digits will be prepended after the dialing number is stripped.
Auto Record
If enabled, the calls using this extension or trunk will be automatically
record, default is disabled
: Emergency recording will be also available under Emergency
Recording Tab.
Send Recording File
If enabled the recordings will be sent to the configured Email address(es)
Email Address
Used to specify Email address(es) for Emergency calls recordings.
Below is a screenshot of the configured numbers following
company’s ABC requirements.