“Flow switch request (Comfort function)” (only if JP8=0)
When a flow switch request occurs, the temperature measured by the delivery probe is
displayed and the symbol
start to flash. On small digits will show the temperature of the
tank. The instantaneous power of the boiler is indicated by the level of modulation. In any
moment it is possible to observe which triac are turned on.
“Temperature display”
On the small digits will show "
t :
" followed by the description of the selected
temperature while the big digit will show the temperature value.
“Parameters display”
Will show "
P :
" followed by the index of the selected parameter and the large value of
the parameter.
Delivery temperature
T :[h”
Tank temperature
T :Dh”
External temperature
T :Ep”
External probe offset setpoint
T :Se”
Visualization in the presence of a sanitary flow meter (P9=1)