Check to see if the O-ring is cor-
rectly inserted into the housing
– Be careful when mounting the
flange. It has to be inserted
straight into the main housing.
Do not use force during this pro-
cedure. The flange should fit eff-
ortlessly into the housing.
– The screws may not be used to
pull the flange towards the hou-
– Each hexagon socket screw
should be mounted with a lock
washer, a flat washer and an O-
ring. The O-ring must be situa-
ted at the bottom of the groove.
Tighten the hexagon socket
screw well.
If the YL 6 has already been in
operation and/or the hexagon
socket screws in the flange have
already been tightened, it is
recommendable to replace the
O-rings (P/N GR0192) before
the screws are tightened again.
– Re-fasten the acoustic hood to
the hooter horn, using the three
self-tapping screws.
If you want to change the colour
of the strobe light sphere, you
do not have to remove the device
from its place of installation or to
open the flameproof housing.
– Remove the protective grille.
Unscrew completely the two
screws connecting the sphere
and the ring of the strobe light
flange, and remove the sphere.
– Make sure the O-ring has been
placed correctly into the groove
of the flange.
– Fasten the new sphere over the
O-ring using new screws and
washers, which you will find in
the replacement parts package.
– Put the protective grille back on.
– Make sur
e the surface of the
chosen place of installation is
even and also capable of carry-
ing the weight of the device.
– Remove the mounting part, the
fastening screws and the flat
washers from the bag, which is
contained in the package.
Using the two hexagon screws
(M6x16mm), the locking and flat
washers, fasten the mounting
part to the housing of the YL 6.
– Check to see if the mounting
part has been joined tightly with
the housing. The signalling device
is fixed to the place of installa-
tion using two Ä9 mm (0.35“)
holes with a dual spacing of 75
mm (2.95“).
– For fixation, use suitable screws
(not included).
The signalling devices may be con
nected in parallel with each other.
Up to ten signalling devices may be
interconnected to a system line,
using a common power supply.
Both groups of terminals should be
used in such a way as to enable an
input and an output connection.
echnical Specifications
5 Joule
Flash sequence frequency
1 Hz
Sounder sound level
110 dB at 1 m
Operating voltage
230 Vac or 24 Vdc
Current consumption
230 Vac 100 mA
Operating temperature
-35°C to +60°C for gas group IIB
ds and certificates
opean standards
EN 50014:1997 + Appendices 1 & 2; EN 50018:2000: EN 50281-1-1:1998
Baseefa 06 ATEX 0334X, ATEX Directive 94/9/EC
System options
Supply voltages
230 Vac or 24 Vdc
Selection of signalling tones
32 (see table)
Signalling stages
One or two stages
Strobe light
Separate phase-terminals for independent power supply
Note: The neutral conductor is common
Phase terminals labelled L1 and L2 should be connected with a suitable
cable on the connection circuit board.
Sphere colours
Transparent, red, blue, green, yellow
Cable conductors
The number of cable conductors depends on the system requirements.
The device must be connected with a good ear
th connection. Earth connections are situated within the housing
and on the outside of it. These earth connections are labelled with the earth symbol. The inner earth connection
must be used. The outer connection is an additional connection and is used where local rules or authorities allow
or demand it.
ID: 205818/D8156/R. STAHL/2010-10-22/en-02