© 2008-2009, Brice Burrell
Page 23
The following is a series of drawings showing the setup of the MFS for a mortise (imagine a mortise
for a table or chair leg). Our mortise will be 20 mm wide by 100 mm long and 50 mm deep. A 10 mm
bit will be used with a 30 mm copying ring in the router. We need to account for the space between
the bit and to the outside edge of the copying ring, called offset, when we set the MFS profiles to size.
The offset for this bit/copying ring combination is 10 mm.
Knowing the offset is 10 mm, we add that number twice (20 mm) to the width and length of the
mortise. 40 mm x 120 mm is what the MFS should be set at to produce our
20 mm X 100 mm mortise.