5.2 HVPS Front Panel LEDs
Section 5: Troubleshooting
CV-6SLX User Manual
0101-8242-0, Rev. C
faults. Those LEDs are outlined in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 HVPS Front Panel LEDs with Latching Fault LEDs Outlined
Figure 5-6 Interlocks OK and Rail Undervoltage LEDs
Turns red one or more interlocks
(internal or external) are not
LED turns red if the rail voltage falls
below the value specified below:
208-V units: 220 VDC (Nominal
range is 264 to 323 VDC)
400-V units: 427 VDC (Nominal
range is 509 to 622 VDC)
Rail Undervoltage LED
Interlocks OK LED