Supplied By www.heating spares.co Tel. 0161 620 6677
6. Control
The control thermostat knob A can be adjusted to suit system requirements. Settings are graduated from
approximately 30
C at minimum to approximately 85
C at maximum, corresponding to the water flow
temperature from the boiler, and assuming a correctly size system with the flow rate adjusted accordingly.
7. To turn off
Push the main switch to turn-off the electric power.
8. System frost protection
If there is any part the system which is in an area which may be subject to low temperatures, protection against
frost is advisable during long absence from the dwelling.
Various means are available:
a) External frost thermostat.
b) Effective lagging.
c) Leave all controls on at low setting.
d) Draining of the system.
Consult your Installer or Service Engineer for the best advice.
9. Overheat thermostat
Your boiler is fitted with this safety device which, if activated, will shut down the main burner and pilot. (Normal
control is via the control thermostat which will cycle the main burner leaving the pilot alight). If the pilot is
extinguished for no apparent reason, the overheat thermostat may have locked out the gas supply. Allow
the system water to cool, turn off the electrical supply, push the reset knob "B" and repeat the lighting
procedure, Section 5. Above. If the problem persists, turn off the boiler and consult your Service Engineer.
NOTE - It is possible that a temporary lapse of electricity supply may cause the overheat thermostat operate.
10. Cleaning
Simply wipe the outer case with a soft, damp, cloth.