© F
roli 08164 ECO
ONIC Plus.monen.ind
Store sequence control:
adjustment range: 1 ... 60 min
factory setting: 15 min
The controller checks whether the stores can be loaded.
When the priority store cannot be loaded, the subordinate
stores are checked. If a subordinate store can be loaded, it
will be loaded for the “oscillating loading time“ (“t-circ.“).
After this period of time, the loading process stops. The
controller monitors the increase in collector temperature.
If it increases by the “collector rise temperature“(
within the loading break time “t-st“, the elapsed break time
is set to 0. The break time starts again.
As soon as the switch-on condition of the priority store
is fulfilled, it will be loaded. If the switch-on condition of
the priority store is not fulfilled, loading of the subordinate
stores will be continued. If the priority store reaches its
maximum temperature, oscillating loading will not be car-
ried out.
Loading break time:
adjustment range: 1 ... 60 min
factory setting: 2 min
Collector rise temperature:
adjustment range: 1 ... 10 K
factory setting: 2 K
Balance values:
Solar/balance values
The controller has integrated registers which record the
following values:
• maximum temperatures
• operating hours of the relays
• operating days since commissioning of the controller
The values can be reset, except “operating days“.
Priority logic is used in multi-store systems only.
If St1, St2, St 3, St4 are set to 1, the stores with a tempera-
ture difference to the collector are loaded in parallel as long
as their switch-on conditions are fulfilled.
If St1 is set to 1, St2 to 2, St 3 to 3, and St4 to 4 (factory set-
ting) the first store will be loaded first as long as its switch-
on conditions are fulfilled. When the selected priority store
reaches its adjusted maximum temperature, the subordinate
stores will be loaded in numerical order via oscillating loa-
ding: store 1, then store 2, then store 3, then store 4.
Priority logic and store sequence control:
Solar/adj. values/priority St1 (...St4)
adjustment range: 1 ... 4
factory setting: 1; 2; 3; 4