How do I connect my computer?
The most common method for getting MIDI output from a Macintosh is through a MIDI USB interface
device such as the M-Audio 1x1 Uno (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 M-Audio Uno. USB to MIDI converter
Some PCI sound cards may also have MIDI capability for higher-end Macs but USB is by far the most
common method of transferring MIDI data to and from the Mac.
So, the first step is to install any drivers that may have come with your USB to MIDI converter device.
Simply follow the instructions for your specific device. It always best to check the website of the MIDI to
USB converter device manufacturer for the latest driver software, usually available for free download. In
our case, we will download the M-Audio Uno drivers from
for Mac OS X - 10.2
(Jaguar). Follow the installation procedure after double clicking on the setup package for the Uno drivers.
When completed, you should see the USB light on the Uno pulsing. That means the drivers and Uno device
are working. Check and verify the installation procedures for your own device in the owner’s manual.
Once the driver software is installed and the device is working on an available USB port, connect the MIDI
Out from your converter device to the G-DEC MIDI In jack using a standard MIDI cable. Next connect
from the MIDI In jack on your converter device to the G-DEC MIDI Out jack using another standard MIDI