F-940 Instruction Manual rev. 3-8-2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone: (360) 833-8835
[email protected]
When Trigger mode is selected, the measurements will display
upon completion in consecutive rows where the user can again
edit and add notes to the data.
Control Panel
The Control Panel Menu allows the user to control the F-940
Store It! From a computer using a series of toggle keys seen
By pressing up or down, the user can navigate through the file
menu to change settings on the unit and use the square button
to take a measurement.
The Calibration menu enables a two-point calibration process
for the F-940 Store It! Including Zero Calibration and Span
Calibration. The set zero process will require known standard
gas of 100% Nitrogen (N2) gas to set a zero baseline. Next the
user will be prompted to connect a known standard gas to set
the span for your sensors. We suggest the following:
C2H4 Set Span: 5 ppm C2H4 standard gas
CO2 Set Span: 95% CO2 standard gas
O2 Set Span: 50% O2 standard gas