F-940 Instruction Manual rev. 3-8-2017
1554 NE 3
Ave, Camas, WA 98607, USA
Phone: (360) 833-8835
[email protected]
the Left arrow to back out of the screen and return to the Setup
Setup > RH Conversion
The Setup RH Conversion menu is used to correct for the
temperature sensor being inside F-940 housing. This causes the
temperature sensor to reflect the temperature of the F-940 and
not the ambient temperature, which is usually several degrees
above ambient. The Relative Humidity is calculated based on
the temperature value.
Enter the correct ambient temperature in degrees Celsius,
measured from an external
temperature sensor. To use
the entered temperature for
RH calculations
, “use sample
T” should be set to “Yes.”
The current (internal RH) and
corrected (sample RH) are
displayed at the bottom of
the screen.
Date & Time
hh : mm : ss
17 : 01 : 43
RH Conversion
Enter Sample T(C) 20.0
Use Sample T Yes
(for measurements)
Internal RH (%) 43.6
Sample RH (%) 21.3