Troubleshooting guide
December 10, 2019,
Pro series
Felix Pro L/XL
Z probe malfunctioning
The FELIX Pro L/XL features automatic calibration. This calibration heavily relies on a properly functioning probe
switch, which is integrated in both hot-end.
Under normal circumstances this mechanism works properly. However, there are some cases where the probing
mechanism can be falsely triggered. In this how-
to, we’ll explain the mechanism in a bit more detail and also show
you what to do when an error occurs.
Inner workings of the probe mechanism
In short: The probe mechanism basically consists of a disc on top of the hot-end which is the switch. When the hot-
end touches the bed, this disc is moved and an electrical contact gets broken. This
is registered as a “z sensor
triggered or calibration failed
” event.
If you see any of these messages when the printer is homing or calibrating, it means that one or both of the switches
have broken the electrical contact you can easily detect this if the machine is not able to home again and will only
move the bed down a bit.
Overview of the hot-end:
Top contact disc
Ball bearing
Heater car