Preliminary steps
Clean and inspect all parts. Inventory them against the parts list
at the end of the manual and notify the kit supplier of any
missing components as soon as possible.
If the paint scheme you have selected is glossy, it is
recommended that you apply a coat of wax. This will help resist
dirt, stains and fingerprints during construction, and will provide
some limited protection against errant glue.
Vacuum out the remnants of packing materials that remain in
the fuselage.
While the kit is comprehensive, there are additional parts required,
as follows:
Recommended Servo List (JR)
Elevators: (2) 8611a
Aileron: (2) 8611a
Flaps: (2) 8611a
Rudder: (1) 8411
Nose Steering: (1) 8611a
Retracts: depends on retract and door solution selected
Speed Brake: (1) 351 or equivalent
Brakes: (1) 351 or equivalent, or an electronic brake unit
Other Parts
BVM UAT (optional)
Fuel tank vent fitting
Festo fuel shutoff valve
Wire twist tie (optional)
Blue Loctite
Glues: Thin CA, 5 minute epoxy, 30 minute epoxy,
Aeropoxy, Zap-a-Dap-a-Goo
Electronic gear sequencer, or UP2/UP4 combination
Brake valve
Batteries, regulator and switch
Matchboxes, Powerbox, Smartfly EQ10 or equivalent
Servo extensions (length may vary, depending on receiver
General Construction Notes
The order of construction may be changed to suit your personal
preference, however, the model is more easily worked in a tight
space if work is completed on each fuselage section before they are
joined. The tail surfaces must be attached before the aft fuse is
joined to the forward fuse, as the pipe must be in place during this
step and it blocks access for wiring.
The retract system doors operate in two different ways. The main
gear doors and the large nose gear door open, the landing gear
cycle either up or down, and the doors close again. For this action,
you will need two separate valves with a sequencer or an Ultra
Precision UP-2 valve. The small doors that bracket the nose wheel
strut must remain open when the gear is extended. There are two
ways this may be accomplished. The simple approach is to connect
the cylinder open line to the gear down line, and the door close line
to a pressure switch that is connected to the gear up line and
activated by the nose gear steering servo when in the retracted
position. This is the method that is shown in these instructions. If
you use a UP-2 valve for the larger doors, you can add a UP4 valve
to the system for the smaller nose gear doors.
You will likely need to match twin rudder and twin elevator servos.
This may be accomplished with servo reversing “Y” harnesses, JR
Matchboxes, the Smartfly EQ10, a Champion Powerbox or equivalent