F E I B A O F - 9 F P A N T H E R
The F-9F uses pneumatic brakes and retracts. If you follow a few tips, you should have very
reliable, leak-free operation. Neatness counts.
All airlines should be secured to the airframe to keep them from flopping around or getting
kinked. Use tie wraps for this.
The other very important thing is to cut off the end of each airline dead square before
installing it on the nipple.
This is VITAL. You can either purchase a professional tubing cutter from your dealer (they
are approximately $10), or you can make up a little jig to hold the airline and keep a sharp,
new razor blade perfectly upright as you cut.
Either one works, just ensure that all ends of all airlines are cut off dead square. Make sure
all airlines are pushed ALL THE WAY onto their nipples.
They should not need to be secured otherwise, but you can add fine wire safety wraps if you
like. Make sure all left and right matching airlines are the same length, particularly the brake
lines, or you will get uneven retraction or braking action.
It's worth taking the time to get everything pneumatic right the first time, as having your
landing gear fail to retract is not THAT bad, but having it fail to deploy can really ruin you
day and the paint on the bottom of your model.
The F-9F has a very simple fuel system...one main tank leading to a UAT or similar header
There is not much to go wrong, but like the pneumatic system, it does need to be done right
the first time, with some careful craftsmanship.
Like the airlines, all fuel lines must be cut off Dead Square. Each fuel connection should be
given a tie-wrap or two for extra security.
Everything needs to be dead clean, especially the inside of the main tank.
The front tray is set up to accommodate a BVM Ultimate Air Trap or it's equivalent, to keep
any bubbles from getting to your engine.
You can also make up your own header tank with a bubbles filter, or a geometrically
centered pickup, but any way you do it, you should not attempt to fly without a header tank
system. Move on to the main fuel tank. Blow out the main fuel tank, be sure that no debris
of any sort is left in there before proceeding. This is a vital step, do not omit it.