The lives of people depend on your proper
servicing of Federal products. It is important to
read and follow all instructions shipped with the
products. In addition, listed below are some
other safety instructions and precautions you
should follow:
Read and understand all instructions in this
manual before servicing the electronic siren or
To properly service an electronic siren or
speaker: you must have a good understanding of
automotive electrical procedures and systems,
along with proficiency in the installation and
service of safety warning equipment. Always
refer to the vehicle's service manuals when
performing service on a vehicle.
Electronic circuit and speaker repairs must be
performed by a qualified and competent elec-
tronic technician.
Your hearing and the hearing of others, in or
close to your emergency vehicle, could be
damaged by loud sounds. This can occur from
short exposures to very loud sounds, or from
longer exposures to moderately loud sounds. For
hearing conservation guidance, refer to federal,
state, or local recommendations. OSHA Stan-
dard 1910.95 offers guidance on “Permissible
Noise Exposure.”
All effective sirens and horns produce loud
sounds (120 dB) that may cause permanent
hearing loss. Always minimize your exposure to
siren sound and wear hearing protection. Do not
sound the siren indoors or in enclosed areas
where you and others will be exposed to the
DO NOT connect this system to the positive
terminal of the battery until servicing is com-
plete, and you have verified that there are no
short circuits to ground.
In order for the electronic siren to function
properly, the ground connection must be made to
the NEGATIVE battery terminal.
After repair, test the electronic siren and
speaker system to ensure that it is operating
Federal Signal siren amplifiers and speakers are
designed to work together as a system. Combin-
ing a siren and speaker from different manufac-
turers may reduce the warning effectiveness of
the siren system and may damage the compo-
nents. You should verify or test your combina-
tion to make sure the system works together
properly and meets both federal, state and local
standards or guidelines.
Failure to follow all safety precautions and instruc-
tions may result in property damage, serious injury, or
death to you or others.
Opening the unit will void the warranty. This
speaker has no field serviceable parts. The factory can
and will service your speaker. If you are experiencing
problems with the speaker, send it to:
Service Department
Federal Signal Corporation
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466