Informer15 Speaker (Model IS-I-P15X Series C)
Federal Signal
Reboot the device for the IP address change to take effect.
: If the Informer will be used autonomously without residing on an IP network, use
the default settings network to configure the Informer. If the Informer is connected to a
network, the factory default IP settings must be changed to work with the IP network that
the product will be connected to. Consult with your Network Manager to ensure that the
settings adhere to your network policy.
Once the IP address is changed, configuration is possible only when the Informer and
the configuration computer are placed on the same network together. Reconfigure the
configuration computer’s IP settings before returning to the same network. You must log
in to the web page with the new IP address after the address is changed.
: You can use DHCP to simplify Informer deployment, but MAC address discovery
tools may not traverse routers, and maintenance may be more difficult.
2. Configuring the RTU Settings
When the RTU is used with Commander
, the device’s RTU Number and Description
must be entered, and SmartMsg must be enabled. All devices in the system must have
a unique RTU Number, and it should start with 001. If Commander is not going to be
used, SmartMsg should not be enabled, and a unique RTU number does not need to be
: The number of relay outputs differs between Informer models, and configuration
examples are not shown for every model.
Digital Inputs
You can assign Digital Inputs to play digital voice messages when the input becomes
active. Inputs that have been programmed from Commander for local activation cannot be
configured from the webpage and will be unavailable.
After changes are made, click the Apply button and then reboot the RTU from the Reboot
web page to begin using the new configuration settings. See the following screen
captures to configure the RTU Settings of the Informer.