FC, FCH, and FCU Models
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
Connectors, Selections, and Switches for the FC Controller Board
The following tables provide descriptions of the FC Controller Board connectors,
selections, and switches.
Table 21 Configuration Jumpers on the Control Board
SINAD (optional)
Receiver module carrier detect, short to pin 2 when using SINAD board
along with both sides of JP4
External transceiver carrier detect
Test Speaker/Audio Out (See R76 for output level adjustment)
0 to 2 V
Audio Source: Receiver Audio during P.A. functions
Siren Audio during Electronic Siren functions
2 Ground
Speaker Output.
Passes radio audio or generates warning sounds, which are
routed to the speaker output JP2
Short For VOX Carrier Detect
1 and 2 Short together for VOX carrier detect (Not used in a one-way systems.)
Jumper 1 and 2 to provide VOX carrier detect for radios that do not provide carrier
Test Speaker
1 and 3 Short pins 1 and 3 to give priority to the external transceiver
2 and 4 Short pins 2 and 4 to give priority to the internal receiver.
With no shorting jumper, the first carrier detect has priority.
Short both sides when using SINAD board along with JP1.
Receiver Priority (For use with two-way systems.)
Jumper JP4 sets the priority if an external transceiver and an on-board receiver are
both used. The receiver with priority can interrupt the other receiver, and its audio
passes through to the rest of the circuits in the controller. The receiver with priority
cannot be interrupted. If neither receiver is given priority, then whichever receiver
asserts carrier detect first will pass through, and the other receiver will not be able
to interrupt it.
If the EXT side is jumpered, then the external transceiver has priority.
If the INT side is jumpered, then the on-board receiver has priority.
If both sides of JP4 are jumpered, then the two receive audio signals are mixed
together. This is done if the SINAD option is used as it allows receive audio from
the external transceiver jack to pass through to the on-board receiver connector to
feed the SINAD option board. JP1 must also be jumpered when the SINAD option
is installed.