Installing the Mobile Camera System
the mounting bracket assembly. Once you obtain the image you
want, tighten the nuts of the camera mounting bracket assembly
to fix the camera position.
6. Wrap the cable connection in the supplied black waterproofing
Option 2: Mounting the camera flush to the vehicle surface
Before routing the camera cable through the hole, you can in-
stall an included angled nut so that the camera can be slightly tilted
from the horizontal surface of the vehicle.
1. Guide the camera output cable through the drilled 1.25 in
(32.0 mm) hole.
2. On the opposite side of the vehicle surface, route the camera out-
put cable through the camera mounting barrel and nut.
3. Install the camera/barrel, while adjusting it to the desired view-
ing angle.
4. Connect the camera to the monitor via a camera extension cable
(one CAMCABLE-SHORT/-5/-10/-15/-20/-40 or two connected
in series with CAMCABLE-EXT) or special DVR system cam-
era cable (as applicable). To obtain the correct image orienta-
tion, it may be necessary to rotate the camera in the barrel of
the mounting bracket assembly. Once you obtain the image you
want, tighten the camera mounting nut to the barrel to fix the
camera position.
5. Wrap the camera extension cable connection in the supplied
black waterproofing tape.
Installing the Ball Camera (CAMCCD-BALLNTSC/
Before the installation, find an appropriate location for the ball camera
with these considerations in mind:
• Although the camera is waterproof, repeatedly exposing it to direct,
high-pressure streams of water (as from a pressure washer) is not