stator each contain at least one row of ports. As the motor rotates the rotor, air is drawn through an intake tube,
and passes through the rotor and stator ports in pulses. These pulses are produced because the rotor alternately
opens and closes the stator ports. The pulses of air produce sound at a frequency (pitch) that is dependent on the
instantaneous rotational speed of the motor, and the number of ports in the rotor-stator combination.
A Model RC2W Motor Starter is required to operate the siren. The Model 2 uses a 120 or 240 volt universal
motor that can operate from either dc or 25-60Hz single-phase AC.
A. Models RC2W-120 (120VAC), AND RC2W-240 (240VAC)
The Model RC2W Motor Starters are basically a heavy-duty relay that is required for the starting and
operating current of a Model 2 siren. The RC2W is enclosed in a NEMA type 3R enclosure. The unit must be
installed on a vertical surface.
B. Models FC (1-way status), or FCTB (2-way status) Controllers
siren control units provide RF and/or wire line control of individually programmable
timing cycles for contact closure outputs. The versatility of the
makes it an ideal choice for virtually all
siren control applications or any other process that can be controlled via relay contacts.
The microprocessor based controller contains the following features:
Synthesized Radio Receiver (Low Band, High Band, or UHF - 3 separate models)
Two-Tone and DTMF Decoders
Up to 4 Individually Programmable Output Relays
Siren Tone Generator
Push Buttons for Local Control
Contact Closure Inputs for Land Line Control
RS232 Programming Port
Diagnostic LED’s
All functions of the
controller are programmable from a current WINDOWS compatible computer
with an RS232 port using Federal Signal's easy to use
programming software. The software allows
easy configuration, uploading and downloading of control programs.
Programming options include:
Radio Receiver Frequency
Single and Two-Tone Sequential Decode Tones & Tone Lengths
DTMF Decode Digits
Output Relay Timing Patterns
Tone Generation Frequencies & Durations
Up to six (6) control timing sequences may be programmed into the controller. Standard siren control
timings can be chosen or custom relay output timings can be designed. The control functions can be activated
from any combination of six (6) Single Tone, Two Tone Sequential and/or DTMF tones. Timing sequences can
also be initiated using the local push buttons and contact closure inputs.
Configuration programs are stored in nonvolatile E
memory to ensure retention even during a complete
power failure.